An evening with American Author with Kristin Duncombe
Date: Friday March 14th 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm
Location: Maison des Relations Internationales (MRI) 14 rue Descente en Barrat
(au bout de l’esplanade Charles-de-Gaulle) 34000 Montpellier
Contact: Kim (kim.mousseron@wanadoo.fr / 0629753697)
As part of this year’s International Women’s Day programming, AWG, with support from the city of Montpellier, would like to invite you to an evening with Kristin Louise Duncombe. Kristin Louise Duncombe is an American author and therapist. Her award-winning memoirs, Trailing and Five Flights Up, are renowned in the global community for exposing the psychological struggles that often come with the expat experience. Kristin has previously come to speak to AWG about her books as well as to share tips on writing.
This time, Kristin will be presenting and discussing her newest book OBJECT: A Memoir of Childhood Abuse and a Shocking Cover-Up at the Highest Ranks of Government. Kirkus Reviews calls OBJECT “a work of great substance; a highly revealing account of abuse, and the struggle to overcome it.” Booklife of Publisher’s Weekly describes OBJECT as a “devastating, deeply brave memoir that …shares breathtaking insights on loss, trauma, and resilience.” Kristin Louise Duncombe lives in Paris.
Le Bookshop will be at the event with books for sale. The author will be available to sign your copy. An apéro will follow the presentation and discussion. This event is open to the public…please feel free to spread the word and bring your friends.
We look forward to seeing you there !